

6th Infection Dilemma Day – Transplant Infections

The theme for the day will be Infections in Transplant and will be suitable for consultants and trainees in infection specialties, as well as haematologists / respiratory / renal physicians with an interest in organ transplantation.

To register, visit https://fitwise.eventsair.com/2024-bia-dilemma-day/registration-and-fees

A range of topics will be covered at the event including:

View the full programme and speakers at: https://fitwise.eventsair.com/2024-bia-dilemma-day/programme

Ort: Kein Ort angegeben.
Termin: Kein Datum festgelegt.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Infektologie e.V.
Impressum Datenschutz Aktuelles Junge DGI Junge Infektiologen Events