

CMMC SYMPOSIUM 25 Years of Progress in Molecular Medicine: From Basic Research to Clinical Application – GOES HYBRID

The CMMC Symposium will be held as a hybrid meeting with live streaming including an interactive virtual meeting platform. The scientific program includes the following sessions:

Full Program: CMMC SYMPOSIUM_25 Years of Progress in Molecular Medicine

Participation in the Symposium is free of charge – free registration is required: CMMC Symposium 2021_Registration

Call for submission of abstracts for digital poster presentation – deadline August 06, 2021. Further information: here

Ort: Kein Ort angegeben.
Termin: Kein Datum festgelegt.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Infektologie e.V.
Impressum Datenschutz Aktuelles Junge DGI Junge Infektiologen Events